Hipposideros cineraceus (bat)

Mass: 5.1 g based on Anwarali Khan et al. 2008, Kingston et al. 2003, Borissenko and Kruskop 2003, and Kingston et al. 2000

Diet: insectivore based on Kingston et al. 2003

Abundance: 0.14 to 3.48% (median 0.80%)

Latitudinal range: -5.2° to 22.3°

Habitats: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (6) only

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Found in 6 samples

Indonesia: Lambusango Forest Reserve

Malaysia: Krau Wildlife Reserve, Kuala Lompat Research Station (1995 - 1999), Kuala Lompat Research Station (1991 - 1993)

Vietnam: Kim Hy Nature Reserve (primary forest), Kim Hy Nature Reserve (agriculture/degraded forest)

Size measurements:
♀ body mass4 gN = 1Anwarali Khan et al. 2008
♀ body mass5.8 gN = 4Kingston et al. 2003
♂ body mass4.3 gN = 8Borissenko and Kruskop 2003
♂ body mass5.6 gN = 4Kingston et al. 2003
body mass5.7 gN = 7Kingston et al. 2000

See also Hipposideros, Hipposideros 'bicolor' 131-kHz, Hipposideros 'bicolor' 142-kHz, Hipposideros 'bicolor' sp., Hipposideros amenhotepos, Hipposideros armiger, Hipposideros ater, Hipposideros beatus, Hipposideros bicolor, Hipposideros bicolor 131, Hipposideros caffer, Hipposideros cervinus, Hipposideros collongensis, Hipposideros commersoni, Hipposideros coxi, Hipposideros cyclops, Hipposideros diadema, Hipposideros dinops, Hipposideros doriae, Hipposideros dyacorum, Hipposideros felix, Hipposideros fuliginosus, Hipposideros galeritus, Hipposideros gigas, Hipposideros jonesi, Hipposideros khengkao, Hipposideros lamottei, Hipposideros larvatus, Hipposideros lylei, Hipposideros maggietaylorae, Hipposideros morloti, Hipposideros muscinus, Hipposideros obscurus, Hipposideros papua, Hipposideros pomona, Hipposideros ridleyi, Hipposideros ruber, Hipposideros sabanus, Hipposideros semoni, Hipposideros sp.